Our Services Clients Events Ask Us 1204 W Western Ave
Muskegon MI 49441
Our Clients
Over the past 11 years we have been providing many different types of services for our clients. We have provided mall tours, outdoor sales events for dealers, large events and shows, projects with multiple shows and locations running simultaneously. Please take a look at some of the events that we have done for our clients.

Buick Motor Division

Since our inception in 1989 we have been servicing Buick by handling their mall marketing tour "Spotlight on Buick". We have taken "Spotlight on Buick" to regional shopping malls all across the United States. The mall shows were done for the local Buick dealer and would usually last 7-10 days. Each show would generate hundreds of leads for each dealer.

The EvenTTenT was introduced in 1993 as an additional tool for dealerships to use in conjunction with the "Spotlight on Buick" mall marketing tour. Since then, the EvenTTent has been used by the dealers for events ranging from golf events and ride and drives, to tent sales and customer appreciation days.

WNBA-Detroit Shock

To create public interest in the expansion Detroit Shock of the WNBA, a 6-city tour across the state of Michigan was introduced. "Shockfest" was a festival of basketball-related games and activities, which included clinics and player appearances. We assisted in this tour by transporting the festival equipment and making all of the arrangements for space at the malls that would host these events.


In May of 2000 we assisted Kellogg's with their exhibit space at the national AARP convention in Orlando FL. We were responsible for building, transporting, and installing the display, along with making all arrangements with the exhibit hall for all contract services and logistics.

Buick Century/Disney

Dodge Trucks



Individual Investor

GMC Safari